SPARCS X WING Session 2023
·86 words
SPARCS X WING Session Introduction
On September 16th, 2023, two of the most prominent student developer associations, SPARCS from KAIST and WING from GIST, came together for a session.
Sessions #
- SPARCS 권진현 - about KAIST bootcamp, 몰입캠프
- SPARCS 권순규 - Jailbreaking and Tweaking
- GIST 최익준 - become a real React developer
- SPARCS 권순호 - Biseo, creating End-to-end Typesafe code base
- GIST 이보성 - Flutter DevOps
- SPARCS 황인준 - Ara moving from cloud to on-premise
- SPARCS 박지호 - OTL service outrage incident
- GIST 정재홍 - Over-Engineering